What To Expect In This Course

In this 15 Day Course:

Caution: This course is created to optimize your marriage in a fun and engaging way. You will explore the importance of establishing a strong foundation for a blissful and joyful marriage. Building a solid foundation is essential for the long-term success and happiness of any marriage. By focusing on a few key areas, you and your spouse can lay the groundwork for a marriage filled with love, trust, and joy.

Here is what you get:

  • Positive Atmosphere:
    • The course is set to provide positive and uplifting private atmosphere where couples can escape from the stresses of everyday life and focus on each other.
  • Builds Communication Skills:
    • Expect to learn and practice effective communication skills. Healthy communication is essential for a joyful marriage, and the course provides tools and techniques to enhance this aspect of your relationship. By fostering open and effective communication, you can nurture understanding, resolve conflicts, and strengthen your bond.
  • Supports Quality Time:
    • In the busyness of daily life, it's easy for you and your spouse to neglect spending intentional time with one another. By the end of this course you would have gone out on a couple of dates and make accomodation for an anniversary getaway among other exciting things together.
  • Mindfulness and Presence:
    • This joy-focused curriculum will teach you mindfulness practices to help you and your spouse stay present and fully engaged with each other.
  • Connection Building:
    • The course includes activities and exercises designed to strengthen the emotional and physical connection between partners. For example, relationship-building games, intimacy exercises, or shared experiences.
  • Joyful Activities:
    • Anticipate engaging in activities that bring joy and laughter simply designed to remind couples of the fun and enjoyable aspects of their relationship.
  • Relationship Education:
    • The literature provided in the curriculum is based on scriptural research as wll as research about the science of joy and happiness and how it relates to relationships. Understanding the factors that contribute to joy can empower couples to make positive changes in their lives.
  • Individual Reflection:
    • There may be opportunities for individual reflection, allowing each partner to explore their own sources of joy and how they can contribute to the overall happiness of the relationship.
  • Group Interaction:
    • Its an awesome experience to do it with just your spouse. However, it becomes more engaging when you invite other couples whether in your family, work, church or communities you serve to join in. Get this: it doesn't matter where in the world they are from as long as they have an internet connection. As a group, it allows you to interact with other couples and learn from them as well as shared fun. Sharing experiences with other couples can be both validating and educational.
  • Actionable Takeaways:
    • You should come away from the course with practical fun tools and actionable steps to implement along your marriage journey. These can serve as ongoing reminders of the joy-focused principles learned during the course.

"A grateful heart is a key ingredient for a joyful marriage."

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